Friday, September 20, 2013

When Healthy Is the New Sexy

By Niña Bianca Sayson

Train insane or remain the same – that has been my motto these past 3 months, religiously hitting the gym to lose the excess weight I have gained over the summer. Losing weight is a familiar goal that most people want to and try to achieve, but only a few are successful in doing so.

It takes serious motivation, willpower and determination to get your ass off the couch and get moving. It also requires discipline and a change in lifestyle and accustomed food habits. Yes, it’s not easy, but after all you have a choice to either throw in the towel or use that towel to wipe the sweat off your face.

During my summer internship with ABS-CBN Cebu, I have gained a massive 15 lbs. on my petite 5”2 ½ feet frame. As an event and print model, I normally don’t go beyond my 100 lbs. limit and maintain it by running and boxing three to four times a week, doing yoga when I have spare time and eating a very balanced diet.

Losing track of my usual workout habits over the summer, it was hard to go back to my accustomed routine formed since. I couldn’t workout straight for an hour without panting like a stray dog in the middle of it and couldn’t even run 5 km in one go. My body couldn’t cope with the excess weight it is carrying, thus affecting my cardiovascular endurance and strength. The extra pounds even made me look more bottom- heavy than I normally was. So I was determined to get back in shape, as soon as my internship was over. Yeah, game face on.

It is common knowledge that in order to lose weight, your calorie intake should be less than how much you are burning. Average caloric requirement per person is around 2000 to 2500 calories and take equal or less, you will be able to reach your target weight. To be able to burn more calories, aside from your usual daily activities (yeah, even sleeping burns calories), one should do light to moderate intensity workout at varying durations depending on your routine.

Hitting the gym and doing physical exercise shouldn’t feel like a chore or a burden, in fact, you should be able to enjoy it. I know it sounds ridiculous (I mean who would ever consider going to the gym as fun?) but there are actually ways to make physical exercise pleasant.

There are some gyms that offer classes such as zumba (combines latin and international music), kickboxing, Latin rhythm and step aerobics which usually burn around 300 – 500 calories, depending on intensity. Other classes such as Plana Forma, Vinyasa Yoga, Pilates and Core Barre burn more calories, about 400 – 600 calories, depending again on intensity. Joining classes are often considered more fun because the group can motivate each other.

                  There are also gym equipments that could help you achieve your desired weight, such as the treadmill, elliptic machines, stationary bikes, stair steppers and rowing machines. The treadmill is your best friend when you want to burn the most calories, because you can expect to burn 100 calories per mile, walking briskly. Elliptical machines and stair steppers are pretty good alternative to treadmill but pack a little less punch on the joints, burning almost the same calories as the treadmill. Those recovering from injury can also choose the stationary bikes and rowing machines because it offers the least impact on joints.

Gym machines that help with strength training such as dumbbells, weights, cable towers and the like can help in body building or in gaining muscle mass in general. It is suggested that you gradually increase the load as you progress in your workout. One benefit of the strength training, aside from acquiring a lean body, is that it speeds up your metabolism, thus resulting to you burning more calories in your usual activities.

According to Joemer Lamina, Holiday Gym and Spa fitness instructor, “cross training” or combining different exercises and equipments every week is the most effective workout because not only does it prevent injury and boredom, it also keeps the body guessing thus intensifying calorie burn rate. It is also ideal that you do both cardio and strength training, not skimping on one or focusing on cardio/ strength alone. Both exercises benefit each other because while the cardio pumps up your heart rate, doing cardio training before strength training can help in burning more fat in your body.

However, if you don’t have the luxury for gym fee membership or simply find going to the gym a hassle, you can always incorporate workout in your daily activities. For example, why not take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a little bit farther than your usual parking space and brisk walk to your office. Another suggestion could be if your workplace or school is of walking distance, you can also walk instead of commuting or driving your car; that way, you can save the environment and your body as well. You can also creatively integrate other workout routines while watching TV, doing the household chores or even while walking your dog.

To be realistic, you won’t drop two jean sizes in a day nor will you lose fifty pounds in a month. You will always be tempted to binge and overeat here and there which will cause your weight fluctuate every now and then. There will be days you will go on a day or two without working out and you’re going to try new techniques which may not work for your body. We are all human beings, and at some point we are bound to fail. But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles getting in the way. The secret is, just keep going and don’t ever stop. After all, as Jane Fonda puts it – no pain, no gain.

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